
Endonuclease GajA

UniProtKB accession:  J8H9C1
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UniProtKB description:  Component of antiviral defense system Gabija type I, composed of GajA and GajB (PubMed:29371424). Endonuclease that nicks double-stranded DNA within the sequence 5'-TNNNCGGGNNA-3' in the absence of nucleotides (NTP, dNTP and NDPs), cleaving after C-1 (PubMed:33885789, PubMed:37992757). Has no detected ATPase activity (PubMed:33885789). Expression of Gabija type I in B.subtilis (strain BEST7003) confers resistance to phages phi105, phi29, rho14, SpBeta and SBSphiC (PubMed:29371424). Expression of Gabija type I in E.coli B (strain ATCC 11303) confers resistance to phage T7 (PubMed:33885789). It is thought that this enzyme is strongly suppressed during physiological growth (in E.coli total nucleotide concentration is over 8.7 mM in mid-log phase), but during viral replication, when nucleotides are rapidly consumed, it is de-suppressed and degrades target DNA (Probable).
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