
Envelopment polyprotein

UniProtKB accession:  J3WAX0
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  J3WAX0
UniProtKB description:  Structural component of the virion that interacts with glycoprotein C (By similarity). It shields the hydrophobic fusion loops of the glycoprotein C, preventing premature fusion (By similarity). The glycoprotein protrusions are arranged on an icosahedral lattice, with T=12 triangulation (By similarity). They are able to attach the virion to the host cell receptor CD209/DC-SIGN and to promote fusion of membranes with the late endosome after endocytosis of the virion (Probable). Plays a role in the packaging of ribonucleoproteins during virus assembly (By similarity).
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Structure Features

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Protein Domains
