
Dynamin-like GTPase MGM1, mitochondrial

UniProtKB accession:  G0SGC7
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UniProtKB description:  Dynamin-related GTPase that is essential for normal mitochondrial morphology by mediating fusion of the mitochondrial inner membranes, regulating cristae morphology and maintaining respiratory chain function (PubMed:31292547). Exists in two forms: the transmembrane, long form (Dynamin-like GTPase MGM1, long form; L-MGM1), which is tethered to the inner mitochondrial membrane, and the short soluble form (Dynamin-like GTPase MGM1, short form; S-MGM1), which results from proteolytic cleavage and localizes in the intermembrane space (By similarity). Both forms (L-MGM1 and S-MGM1) cooperate to catalyze the fusion of the mitochondrial inner membrane (By similarity). The equilibrium between L-MGM1 and S-MGM1 is essential: excess levels of S-MGM1, following loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, lead to an impaired equilibrium between L-MGM1 and S-MGM1, inhibiting mitochondrial fusion (By similarity). Plays a role in the maintenance and remodeling of mitochondrial cristae, some invaginations of the mitochondrial inner membrane that provide an increase in the surface area (PubMed:31292547). Probably acts by forming helical filaments at the inside of inner membrane tubes with the shape and dimensions of crista junctions (PubMed:31292547).
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