
Piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1

UniProtKB accession:  E2JF22
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UniProtKB description:  Pore-forming subunit of a mechanosensitive non-specific cation channel. Generates currents characterized by a linear current-voltage relationship that are sensitive to ruthenium red and gadolinium (PubMed:20813920, PubMed:22343900). Conductance to monovalent alkali ions is highest for K(+), intermediate for Na(+) and lowest for Li(+). Divalent ions except for Mn(2+) permeate the channel but more slowly than the monovalent ions and they also reduce K(+) currents (By similarity). Plays a key role in epithelial cell adhesion by maintaining integrin activation through R-Ras recruitment to the ER, most probably in its activated state, and subsequent stimulation of calpain signaling. In the kidney, may contribute to the detection of intraluminal pressure changes and to urine flow sensing (PubMed:24157948). Acts as a shear-stress sensor that promotes endothelial cell organization and alignment in the direction of blood flow through calpain activation. Plays a key role in blood vessel formation and vascular structure in both development and adult physiology (PubMed:24958852, PubMed:25119035, PubMed:36515266). Acts as a sensor of phosphatidylserine (PS) flipping at the plasma membrane and governs morphogenesis of muscle cells. In myoblasts, flippase-mediated PS enrichment at the inner leaflet of plasma membrane triggers channel activation and Ca2+ influx followed by Rho GTPases signal transduction, leading to assembly of cortical actomyosin fibers and myotube formation (PubMed:29799007).
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