
Beta-porphyranase A

UniProtKB accession:  D7GXG0
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  D7GXG0
UniProtKB description:  Cleaves the sulfated polysaccharide porphyran at the (1->4) linkages between beta-D-galactopyranose and alpha-L-galactopyranose-6-sulfate, forming mostly the disaccharide alpha-L-galactopyranose-6-sulfate-(1->3)-beta-D-galactose. Some longer oligosaccharides of even number of residues are also observed. Inactive on the non-sulfated agarose portion of the porphyran backbone. Displays a strict requirement for C6-sulfate in the -2 and +1-binding subsites.
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Structure Features

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