
Telomeric repeat-binding subunit 1

UniProtKB accession:  D2CVN6
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UniProtKB description:  Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein that mediates the recruitment of telomerase to telomeric DNA (PubMed:19941821, PubMed:20363756, PubMed:22143754, PubMed:25225329). Telomerase is an essential ribonucleoprotein (RNP) enzyme that copies new telomeric repeats onto chromosome ends by repetitively synthesizing the short telomere-repeat sequence 5'-TTGGGG-3' using an RNA template component TER (PubMed:19941821). Acts as a part of a replication protein A (RPA)-related subcomplex of the holoenzyme telomerase ribonucleoprotein complex: TEB1 specifically recognizes and binds telomeric ssDNA, thereby mediating the recruitment of the holoenzyme telomerase RNP complex to telomeres (PubMed:19941821, PubMed:25225329, PubMed:27895115). TEB1 is related to RPA1 subunit of the RPA complex but is specific to telomeric DNA, which is not the case of RPA1 (PubMed:25225329).
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