
Antifungal peptide

UniProtKB accession:  B3EWI7
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  B3EWI7
UniProtKB description:  The synthetic peptide has antifungal activity against B.cinerea (MIC=20 uM), F.oxysporum (MIC=20 uM), A.niger (MIC=41 uM), C.albicans strain 01U (MIC=13 uM), C.albicans strain 38U (MIC=7 uM), C.parapsilosis (MIC=105 uM), C.neoformans strain L26 (MIC=209 uM), C.neoformans strain L30 (MIC=209 uM) and T.rubrum (MIC=3 uM). Has no antibacterial or cytotoxic activity.
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Structure Features

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