
Terpene cyclase 6

UniProtKB accession:  A0A5S9I252
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Go to UniProtKB:  A0A5S9I252
UniProtKB description:  Terpene cyclase that is able to convert FPP into a mixture of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and alcohols (PubMed:31418991). The main product is trichobrasilenol (PubMed:31418991). Additionally, side products include alpha-humulene, caryophyllene, 2-epi-caryophyllene, african-3-ene, african-1-ene, isoafricanol and pristinol (PubMed:31418991). Does not accept GPP, GGPP, and GFPP as substrates (PubMed:31418991).
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