
Dynactin subunit 2

UniProtKB accession:  A0A5G2QD80
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  A0A5G2QD80
UniProtKB description:  Part of the dynactin complex that activates the molecular motor dynein for ultra-processive transport along microtubules. In the dynactin soulder domain, binds the ACTR1A filament and acts as a molecular ruler to determine the length (PubMed:25814576, PubMed:29420470, PubMed:33734450, PubMed:36071160). Modulates cytoplasmic dynein binding to an organelle, and plays a role in prometaphase chromosome alignment and spindle organization during mitosis. Involved in anchoring microtubules to centrosomes. May play a role in synapse formation during brain development (By similarity).
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