Crystal Structure Of Aldose Reductase (AKR1B1) Complexed With NADP+ And Two AT-001
Serial Crystallography (SX)
Starting Model(s)
Initial Refinement Model(s) |
Type | Source | Accession Code | Details |
experimental model | | |
Crystalization Experiments |
ID | Method | pH | Temperature | Details |
1 | VAPOR DIFFUSION, HANGING DROP | 5.5 | 298 | 25%PEG 3,350, 100 mM Bis-Tris |
Crystal Properties |
Matthews coefficient | Solvent content |
2.71 | 54.55 |
Crystal Data
Unit Cell |
Length ( Å ) | Angle ( ˚ ) |
a = 95.485 | α = 90 |
b = 95.485 | β = 90 |
c = 73.857 | γ = 120 |
Diffraction Experiment |
ID # | Crystal ID | Scattering Type | Data Collection Temperature | Detector | Detector Type | Details | Collection Date | Monochromator | Protocol |
1 | 1 | x-ray | 100 | PIXEL | DECTRIS PILATUS 6M | | 2012-12-18 | M | SINGLE WAVELENGTH |
Radiation Source |
ID # | Source | Type | Wavelength List | Synchrotron Site | Beamline |
1 | SYNCHROTRON | SSRL BEAMLINE BL9-2 | 1.12709 | SSRL | BL9-2 |
Serial Crystallography
Sample delivery method |
Diffraction ID | Description | Sample Delivery Method |
1 | | fixed target |
Data Collection
Overall |
ID # | Resolution (High) | Resolution (Low) | Percent Possible (Observed) | R Merge I (Observed) | Rrim I (All) | Rpim I (All) | Net I Over Average Sigma (I) | Redundancy | Number Reflections (All) | Number Reflections (Observed) | Observed Criterion Sigma (F) | Observed Criterion Sigma (I) | B (Isotropic) From Wilson Plot |
1 | 1.95 | 36.93 | 99.8 | 0.078 | 0.087 | 0.037 | 15.9 | 5.3 | | 27908 | | | |
Highest Resolution Shell |
ID # | Resolution (High) | Resolution (Low) | Percent Possible (All) | Percent Possible (Observed) | R Merge I (Observed) | Rrim I (All) | Rpim I (All) | Mean I Over Sigma (Observed) | Redundancy | Number Unique Reflections (All) |
1 | 1.95 | 2.06 | 99 | | 0.407 | 0.467 | 0.225 | 3.3 | 4.1 | |
Statistics |
Diffraction ID | Structure Solution Method | Cross Validation method | Resolution (High) | Resolution (Low) | Number Reflections (Observed) | Number Reflections (R-Free) | Percent Reflections (Observed) | R-Factor (All) | R-Work | R-Free | R-Free Selection Details | Mean Isotropic B |
X-RAY DIFFRACTION | MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT | FREE R-VALUE | 1.952 | 33.719 | 27809 | 889 | 99.574 | 0.168 | 0.1669 | 0.2056 | 0.05 | 22.923 |
Temperature Factor Modeling |
Anisotropic B[1][1] | Anisotropic B[1][2] | Anisotropic B[1][3] | Anisotropic B[2][2] | Anisotropic B[2][3] | Anisotropic B[3][3] |
| | | | | -0.001 |
RMS Deviations |
Key | Refinement Restraint Deviation |
r_dihedral_angle_6_deg | 17.082 |
r_dihedral_angle_3_deg | 14.884 |
r_dihedral_angle_1_deg | 6.123 |
r_lrange_it | 5.918 |
r_lrange_other | 5.865 |
r_dihedral_angle_2_deg | 5.329 |
r_scangle_it | 4.763 |
r_scangle_other | 4.762 |
r_scbond_it | 3.092 |
r_scbond_other | 3.091 |
RMS Deviations |
Key | Refinement Restraint Deviation |
r_dihedral_angle_6_deg | 17.082 |
r_dihedral_angle_3_deg | 14.884 |
r_dihedral_angle_1_deg | 6.123 |
r_lrange_it | 5.918 |
r_lrange_other | 5.865 |
r_dihedral_angle_2_deg | 5.329 |
r_scangle_it | 4.763 |
r_scangle_other | 4.762 |
r_scbond_it | 3.092 |
r_scbond_other | 3.091 |
r_mcangle_it | 2.497 |
r_mcangle_other | 2.496 |
r_mcbond_it | 1.855 |
r_mcbond_other | 1.855 |
r_angle_refined_deg | 1.512 |
r_dihedral_angle_other_2_deg | 0.57 |
r_angle_other_deg | 0.481 |
r_nbd_refined | 0.222 |
r_nbd_other | 0.218 |
r_symmetry_nbd_other | 0.193 |
r_nbtor_refined | 0.192 |
r_xyhbond_nbd_refined | 0.15 |
r_symmetry_xyhbond_nbd_refined | 0.134 |
r_symmetry_nbd_refined | 0.09 |
r_symmetry_nbtor_other | 0.082 |
r_chiral_restr | 0.069 |
r_gen_planes_refined | 0.009 |
r_bond_refined_d | 0.008 |
r_bond_other_d | 0.001 |
r_gen_planes_other | 0.001 |
Non-Hydrogen Atoms Used in Refinement |
Non-Hydrogen Atoms | Number |
Protein Atoms | 2518 |
Nucleic Acid Atoms | |
Solvent Atoms | 220 |
Heterogen Atoms | 118 |
Software |
Software Name | Purpose |
REFMAC | refinement |
XDS | data reduction |
Aimless | data scaling |
PHASER | phasing |