
NMR structure of a DNA duplex with two INA nucleotides inserted opposite each other, dCTCAACXCAAGCT:dAGCTTGXGTTGAG

NMR Experiment
ExperimentTypeSample ContentsSolventIonic StrengthpHPressureTemperature (K)Spectrometer
12D NOESY1.9mM DNA, 10mM sodium phosphate buffer, 100mM NaCl, 0.05mM EDTA100% D2O100 mM7.01 atm298
22D TOCSY1.9mM DNA, 10mM sodium phosphate buffer, 100mM NaCl, 0.05mM EDTA100% D2O100 mM7.01 atm298
3DQF-COSY1.9mM DNA, 10mM sodium phosphate buffer, 100mM NaCl, 0.05mM EDTA100% D2O100 mM7.01 atm298
42D NOESY1.9mM DNA, 10mM sodium phosphate buffer, 100mM NaCl, 0.05mM EDTA90% H2O 10% D20100 mM7.01 atm298
NMR Spectrometer Information
SpectrometerManufacturerModelField Strength
NMR Refinement
restraint molecular dynamicsAmber
NMR Ensemble Information
Conformer Selection Criteriastructures with the lowest energy
Conformers Calculated Total Number40
Conformers Submitted Total Number20
Computation: NMR Software
#ClassificationVersionSoftware NameAuthor
1iterative matrix relaxationAmber6Case
2processingFelix98MSI, San Diego, CA