Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

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PF19045Ligase-CoA domain (Ligase_CoA_2)Ligase-CoA domainThis domain is related to Pfam:PF00549 and adopts a flavodoxin fold [1].Domain
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PF13549ATP-grasp domain (ATP-grasp_5)ATP-grasp domainThis family includes a diverse set of enzymes that possess ATP-dependent carboxylate-amine ligase activity.Domain
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PF13380CoA binding domain (CoA_binding_2)CoA binding domainThis domain has a Rossmann fold and is found in a number of proteins including succinyl CoA synthetases, malate and ATP-citrate ligases.Domain
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PF13607Succinyl-CoA ligase like flavodoxin domain (Succ_CoA_lig)Succinyl-CoA ligase like flavodoxin domainThis domain contains the catalytic domain from Succinyl-CoA ligase alpha subunit and other related enzymes. A conserved histidine is involved in phosphoryl transfer.Domain