
Cryo-EM structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa FtsE(WT)X complex in peptidisc

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

A, C
PF02687FtsX-like permease C-terminal (FtsX)FtsX-like permease C-terminalThis entry represents the C-terminal helices found in members of the ABC type 3 transporter family of permeases, including Cell division protein FtsX from Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria [1], Permease protein MacB [2], Lipoprotein-releasing ...Domain
B, D
PF00005ABC transporter (ABC_tran)ABC transporterABC transporters for a large family of proteins responsible for translocation of a variety of compounds across biological membranes. ABC transporters are the largest family of proteins in many completely sequenced bacteria. ABC transporters are comp ...Domain

Membrane Protein Annotation: PDBTM PDBTM Database Homepage

ChainsExternal LinkComment
A, B, C, D
PDBTMAnnotated as membrane protein by PDBTM