This entry represents the luminal domain (LD) found in eukaryotic V-type proton ATPase subunit S1 involved in V-ATPase V0 assembly, including Ac45 subunit (ATP6AP1) [1,2]. This domain folds as a globular beta-prism structure which is structurally sim ...
This entry represents the luminal domain (LD) found in eukaryotic V-type proton ATPase subunit S1 involved in V-ATPase V0 assembly, including Ac45 subunit (ATP6AP1) [1,2]. This domain folds as a globular beta-prism structure which is structurally similar to LAMP1-3, thus, the LD domain of Ac45 is an evolutionarily conserved member of the LAMP family [2]. Ac45 is an ER membrane protein that guides the V-type ATPase into specialised subcellular compartments [3] and is critical for Vo complex assembly as it connects to multiple Vo subunits and phospholipids in the c-ring [2]. Missense mutations in the X-linked ATP6AP1 gene cause immunodeficiency in males that leads to recurrent bacterial infection, hepatopathy, cognitive impairment, and abnormal protein glycosylation [2].
This entry represents the transmembrane domain from ER/Golgi membrane proteins including V0 complex accessory subunit Ac45 (ATP6AP1, also known as V-type proton ATPase subunit S1) from animals and the yeast homologue V0 assembly protein 1 (VOA1) whic ...
This entry represents the transmembrane domain from ER/Golgi membrane proteins including V0 complex accessory subunit Ac45 (ATP6AP1, also known as V-type proton ATPase subunit S1) from animals and the yeast homologue V0 assembly protein 1 (VOA1) which are essential for V0 ATPase assembly, stability and function [1,2]. In humans, mutations of ATP6AP1 cause immunodeficiency with hypogammaglobulinemia, hepatopathy and neurocognitive abnormalities [3]. This entry also includes ER membrane BIG1 proteins from yeast, involved in cell wall biogenesis.
This barrel-sandwich domain is found in the alpha-beta catalytic subunit of VATA or V-type proton ATPase catalytic subunit at the N-terminal end. This domain has a circularly permuted topology compared to other barrel-sandwich domains. In VATA barrel ...
This barrel-sandwich domain is found in the alpha-beta catalytic subunit of VATA or V-type proton ATPase catalytic subunit at the N-terminal end. This domain has a circularly permuted topology compared to other barrel-sandwich domains. In VATA barrel-sandwich domain the C-terminal strand is circularly permuted and occupies the spatial position of the N-terminal strand in other hybrid domains.