Cryo-EM structure of a dimer of decameric human CALHM4 in the absence of Ca2+
Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage
Gene Ontology: Gene Product Annotation Gene Ontology Database Homepage
Chains | Polymer | Molecular Function | Biological Process | Cellular Component |
Calcium homeostasis modulator protein 4 |
InterPro: Protein Family Classification InterPro Database Homepage
Pharos: Disease Associations Pharos Homepage Annotation
Chains | Drug Target | Associated Disease |
Q5JW98 | :
Membrane Protein Annotation: OPM OPM Database Homepage
Chains | External Link | Type | Class | Superfamily | Family |
OPM | Transmembrane | Alpha-helical polytopic | Tetraspan junctional complexes | Calcium homeostasis modulator CALHM |
Membrane Protein Annotation: PDBTM PDBTM Database Homepage
Membrane Protein Annotation: mpstruc mpstruc Database Homepage
Chains | Resource Link | Group | Subgroup | Protein |
mpstruc | TRANSMEMBRANE PROTEINS: ALPHA-HELICAL | Channels: Gap Junctions and Related Channels | Calcium homeostasis modulator (CALHM4), decameric in absence of Ca2+ |