Members of this family consist of a single highly hydrophobic transmembrane helix that transverses the lipid bilayer at a 20 degree angle with respect to the membrane normal. They contain a conserved cysteine residue (Cys32) that, together with Cys34 ...
Members of this family consist of a single highly hydrophobic transmembrane helix that transverses the lipid bilayer at a 20 degree angle with respect to the membrane normal. They contain a conserved cysteine residue (Cys32) that, together with Cys34 found in the stannin unstructured linker domain, constitutes the putative trimethyltin-binding site that resides at the end of the transmembrane domain close to the lipid/solvent interface [1].
Members of this family consist of a distorted cytoplasmic helix that is partially absorbed into the plane of the lipid bilayer with a tilt angle of approximately 80 degrees from the membrane normal. They interact with the surface of the lipid bilayer ...
Members of this family consist of a distorted cytoplasmic helix that is partially absorbed into the plane of the lipid bilayer with a tilt angle of approximately 80 degrees from the membrane normal. They interact with the surface of the lipid bilayer, and contribute to the initiation of the apoptotic cascade on binding of the unstructured linker domain to dimethyltin [1].