Ensemble structures for Staphylococcal nuclease-H124L in ternary complex with Ca2+ and thymidine-3',5'-bisphosphate

NMR Experiment
ExperimentTypeSample ContentsSolventIonic StrengthpHPressureTemperature (K)Spectrometer
1E-COSY3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-50% 2H; 300 mM KCl; D2OD2O300 nM KCl5.5ambient318
2MHQC-J3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-95% 15N; 300 mM KCl; H2OH2O300 nM KCl5.1ambient318
3DQF-COSY3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L; 300 mM KCl; D2OD2O300 nM KCl5.5ambient318
42D NOESY3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-50% 2H; 300 mM KCl; D2OD2O300 nM KCl5.5ambient318
52D NOESY3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-50% 2H; 300 mM KCl; H2OH2O300 nM KCl5.1ambient318
63D 1H-15N NOESY-HMQC3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-95% 15N; 300 mM KCl; H2OH2O300 nM KCl5.1ambient318
73D HMQC-NOESY-HMQC3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-95% 15N; 300 mM KCl; H2OH2O300 nM KCl5.1ambient318
82D 1H-13C HMQC3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-98% 13C; 300 mM KCl; H2OH2O300 nM KCl5.1ambient318
9HNCO3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-98% 13C U-99% 15N; 300 mM KCl; H2OH2O300 nM KCl5.1ambient318
10and others3.5-5 mM Nuclease-H124L U-50% 2H; 300 mM KCl; D2OD2O300 nM KCl5.5ambient318
NMR Spectrometer Information
SpectrometerManufacturerModelField Strength
NMR Refinement
Distance, hydrogen bond and torsion angle constraints2261 constraints were used to calculate the structure. CA2+ is bound, but coordinates for the calcium are not provided.Felix
NMR Ensemble Information
Conformer Selection Criteriastructures with acceptable covalent geometry,structures with the least restraint violations
Conformers Calculated Total Number90
Conformers Submitted Total Number30
Computation: NMR Software
#ClassificationVersionSoftware NameAuthor
1processingFelixBiosym Technologies Inc
2structure solutionX-PLOR3.1Brunger
3structure solutionInsight II2.3Biosym Technologies Inc
4structure solutionHBPLUSMcDonald and Thornton