Colfosceril palmitate is a synthetic pulmonary surfactant administered in infants with respiratory distress syndrome.[A31510] It was part of the first generation of commercially available artificial surfactants.[T70] It was developed by Burroughs Wellcome and it was FDA approved on August 6, 1990.[L1109] Nowadays colfosceril palmitate is under the state of canceled post-marketing.
Colfosceril palmitate
Colfoscerili palmitas
Palmitate de colfosceril
Palmitato de colfoscerilo
Brand Names
Exosurf Neonatal
Colfosceril palmitate is indicated for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in premature infants. The official label is referred as a intratracheal suspension for prophylactic treatment of infants of less than 1350 grams of birth weight under risk of developing RDS, or in infants with birth weight greater than 1350 grams with pulmonary immaturity, or as rescue treatment of infants that already developed RDS.[L1109] The central feature of RDS is a surfactant deficiency due to lung immaturity. This lung condition is more frequently presented due to risk factors like prematurity, delayed lung maturation caused by maternal diabetes or male gender, or surfactant dysfuntion due to perinatal asphyxia, pulmonary infection or delivery without labor.[T70]