
Snake venom metalloproteinase TM-1

UniProtKB accession:  U3KRG1
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  U3KRG1
UniProtKB description:  Potent fibrinogenolytic protease which cleaves mainly the Aalpha (FGA) and Bbeta (FGB) chains of fibrinogen and slightly the gamma chain (FGG) (PubMed:7488093, PubMed:8193588). Shows preference for substrates having a moderate-size and hydrophobic residue at the P1' position. Preferentially cleaves Ala-|-Leu and Tyr-|-Leu bonds (PubMed:23732127). Is more susceptible to tripeptide inhibitors than TM-3 (AC O57413) (PubMed:9703966).
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