CryoEM structure of locally-refined tetramer of Shedu nuclease domain from Bacillus cereus

Protein Family Annotation Pfam Database Homepage

A, B, C, D
PF14082Shedu protein SduA, C-terminal (SduA_C)Shedu protein SduA, C-terminalThis domain is found mostly in bacteria. It is found at the C-terminal of Shedu protein SduA, the only component of antiviral defense system Shedu. Expression of Shedu in B.subtilis (strain BEST7003) confers resistance to phages phi105, phi29, rho14 ...This domain is found mostly in bacteria. It is found at the C-terminal of Shedu protein SduA, the only component of antiviral defense system Shedu. Expression of Shedu in B.subtilis (strain BEST7003) confers resistance to phages phi105, phi29, rho14 and to a lesser extent to SPP1 [2]. This domain may have endonuclease activity [1].

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