This is the N-terminal domain found in Lactate racemase enzymes EC: LarA is a nickel-dependent lactate racemase from the larA-E operon of Lactobacillus plantarum, whereas LarB, LarC and LarE are accessory proteins required for the incorporati ...
This is the N-terminal domain found in Lactate racemase enzymes EC: LarA is a nickel-dependent lactate racemase from the larA-E operon of Lactobacillus plantarum, whereas LarB, LarC and LarE are accessory proteins required for the incorporation of Ni in the lactate racemase apoprotein. LarA contains 18 beta-strands and 16 alpha-helices arranged in a novel fold composed of two domains of similar size. This entry represents the N-terminal domain of LarA and related proteins [1].